Welcome to
Parkside Garden Club
Parkside theme 2024-2025
“Strong Roots Promote Healthy Growth”
Parkside Garden Club Welcomes You
Parkside Garden Club invites YOU to join us for garden fellowship, creativity and learning. If you enjoy digging in your garden, listening to guest speakers and touring gardens and nurseries, you will find kindred spirits in Parkside Garden Club
Parkside Garden Club meets the third Thursday of each month September through June at:
The Normandy Park Cove 1500 SW Shorebrook Dr.
Normandy Park, WA 98166
(Click on The Normandy Park Cove name above for a satellite view and map of this location)
Meetings generally begin at 10:00 A.M. and include a business meeting followed by a guest speaker, workshop and Dessert/Snack that is provided by club members.
Several garden tours are scheduled during the club season to include public and private gardens, nurseries and garden related activities.
Club Objectives
To encourage interest in all phases of home gardening. To promote better horticultural practices, civic beauty and the conservation of natural resources. To affiliate with the WA State Federation of Garden Clubs and National Garden Clubs, Inc., the largest gardening volunteer organization in the world.
Activities & Projects
Guests Speakers
Holiday Luncheon
June Lunch
Cove Flower Beds & Baskets
Garden & Nursery Tours
Plant Sale
Blue Star Memorial Marker
Plant/Seed Exchange
Scholarship Funds
Garden Therapy
Youth Contests
Horticulture and Design Programs
Design Classes
Environmental Study Schools
Flower Shows
Landscape Design Schools
Flower Show Schools
Gardening Study Schools
Horticulture & Design Schools
Youth Contests
Butterfly Posters
High School Distinguished Service Project
High School Essays
Recycled Sculpture
Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Posters